Design Critique

Last week, we had a reading discussion in which I mentioned a few design websites I’ve come across:

Design Observatory in particular has a great number of interesting articles that span a wide variety of design-related topics. Check it out!

Mickey D’s

I was looking online at different photo essays, and I found this on McDonald’s that I thought you all might enjoy. The photographer, Nolan Conway, went around to different Mickey D’s in America and photographed interesting people he found at various locations.


Here’s the link:

Inspirational Messages

Though the timing of this post is a little belated, I found a few pictures while I was looking through a friend’s facebook that I thought went along with the vibe of our Project 4. 


I find it cool that the author of the rEVOLution art from above took something ordinary and  emphasized something already there to create a completely different message. 

I also liked this as well: Image

Though the photos I’ve placed are rather obvious in their messages, I thought both messages were interesting and something some of you might enjoy.

Urinal Fountain

Marcel Duchamp is one of my favorite artists, and chances are, you’ve seen one of his most famous works:



The image above is of Duchamp’s Fountain, which is basically just a urinal that Duchamp changed the orientation of and signed his name on. Yesterday we talked about Dunne and Raby’s Euthanasia Device , a manufactured piece of work that was not intended to be art. Unlike the Euthanasia Device, Duchamp’s piece of work is a manufactured work that he very slightly modified and presented as art. Both pieces of work attempt to produce some form of critical thinking, and although Dunne and Raby refuse to admit that Critical Design is a form of art, I think that both can be seen as pieces of art. I found two websites that I think are interesting, in case you want to read more about Duchamp’s Fountain



Different Perspectives

The first reading for Project 4 made me thing of a piece of art that I studied in an Art History class I took in high school:


This is an image of Joseph Kosuth’s One and Three Chairs, a piece of Conceptual art. The first Project 4 reading clearly states that Critical Design is design and not art. However, Conceptual art also aims to have its viewers pursue different forms of questioning and thinking other than the general norm. I pulled the image from MoMA’s website; more information about the piece of art and its artist can be found here in case you’re interested:

Lamps Lamps Lamps

Hey all,

Hope you had a productive weekend! I found another website that has some really cool looking lamps:



The patterns they project are really intricate, and I thought it might be useful for those of you seeking some more inspiration.

I also had time to go to Blick this weekend. If you haven’t been, it’s a pretty big art store with a wide variety of supplies! I’d definitely recommend checking it out.

Innovative Light Sources

I was looking around Google for some inspiration, and I found some pretty cool examples of really innovative lamps:

Although those examples aren’t made out of paper, I thought they served as really cool examples of similar things we can do through our laser cut patterned paper.


I also think this is really cool:

Good luck brainstorming!

The Pixar Process

I know that our class isn’t venturing into the area of 3D modeling and animation, but I thought this interview about the Pixar process was pretty interesting. I’m a bit Pixar-obsessed, and I think it’s incredible how Pixar has managed to create hit after hit of movies that appeal and entertain such a wide range of ages so well. 

It’s pretty apparent from the 2 weeks of artwork that we’ve all created that we each have different creative methods and tastes. Obviously Pixar is very selective about who they hire, and only pick the best of the best who can create according to the Pixar style. However, I’m sure the artists who contribute to each of their movies still have greatly differing artistic styles, but Pixar still manages to create awesome movies with cohesive story lines and animations.